Friday, July 8, 2011


I've been working Missy a lot more. In the morning when I feed everyone, I take her out and groom her. Then at around 11 I work her in the round pen. Then at 4 I walk her to the garden. And finally at nighttime feeding I walk her all over the property. Soon, this weekend, I'm going to ride her..Hopefully.

Anyways, I'm not sure if I mentioned this is my last post, but I'm to lazy to check. So anyways, last weekend I rode Dixie. She was one word.


I was riding her WESTERN, and she tried pulling some DRESSAGE moves on me! Really, Dixie, really? Yes, I understand you previous owner rode you English, but with a Western saddle on your back you have the nerve to pull a Dressage move on me? I believe it's called Leg Yeilding, this is what it looks like:
How did I do it? I have no clue. All I know is that I gave her a kick to get her moving (She is a fat lazy horse, I tell ya)  and she did a Leg Yeild.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Hands Smell Like...TUNA!

My hands smell like tuna. I'm going to have tuna for lunch. Tuna fish and noodles. Tuna fish and SHELL noodles. The best noodles known to mankind. I feel bad for cavemen. Not being able to have shell noodles with tuna fish. It's just sad. A lot of things are sad. Like how my goat will be breaking into me telling you about my horses. Because apparently even though I made this account for her, she doesn't like to share.

Yes I do! But you just butted in all of the sudden!

That was Kelly. The goat. Whatever she says will be in italics.

Well, anyways. Away from the tuna- Yummm. Tuna! -and onto the subject of my horses! What I created this blog about. Well, I have two. One is a semi-trained Quarter Horse filly that is 3. She is sorrel and about 15.2-15.3hh, her name is Missy. I got her for my last birthday and have had her for about 10 months. I love her :) My other horse is a fully trained, fully capable Quarter Horse mare that is 21. She is chestnut in the winter, and a dark red-dun in the summer. Her name is Dixie. I've had her for 1 year and 6 months on July 6 exactly. :D

Well, the thing is dad doesn't like Dixie. Why? Well that's a long story. But basically he wants her gone by next week. So my plan is A) Ride her as much as I can before that time. And B) I don't have a plan B. But if she's going to be sold...I sort of have a buyer lined up. My best friend Julie who doesn't know much and Dixie would be good for her. Her parents said maybe to buying Dixie. So...if I do end up having to sell her I know she'll be in good hands.

Well, that's it for now...I think. Come on! I want to do another post on my blog! Shut up, Kelly.
